
July 14, 2024

for calendar of events - click here

Summer Home Fellowship Group

Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm. Whether you are new or have been at EPC for a while, you're welcome to join the Chang family for a summer HFG. Please email Tim,, if you're interested in joining!

Bowery Women’s Dinner - aUGUST 3

Sign up to serve a meal at the Bowery Women's Center.  On the first Saturday of each month, we are looking for one person to plan the meal (for 15-20 people), and a few others to join in preparing the food. You'll arrive around 3:30 to begin preparing, and dinner is served at 6pm. EPC reimburses the costs of the meal. Consider if you (and your HFG / friends) would come serve one month!  Learn more about this opportunity.

Tuesday Morning & Evening Prayer on zoom

Join us at 7:30am and at 8pm for 30 minutes of prayer every Tuesday.  FT Chong leads the morning prayer meeting, Tim Craig the evening meeting.  There is a distinct Zoom meeting link for each meeting, which you can always access on our upcoming events page.

Literacy Program on Break for Summer

Our weekly literacy program for neighborhood youth is on break for the summer.  Learn more about the program here.  It will resume in the fall.

Connect Card

If you are new to Emmanuel or have been with us for a time and would like to give us your contact info or meet with a pastor, fill out our digital Connect Card.