Safeguarding EPC
“Emmanuel Presbyterian Church is a Christian community committed to the restoration and renewal of relationships: with God, within ourselves, with others, and with our world.”
Safety in the Church
regarding Harassment and Abuse of Power
our commitment
Everyone at Emmanuel is entitled to a safe place to worship and serve, and each of us has the duty to ensure Emmanuel is that safe place. To this end, we have implemented policies designed to protect our congregation, visitors, and staff from harassment and other harmful treatment, and a thoughtful response process to ensure any concerns are addressed promptly and with care. These commitments come from God, who loves justice, is a refuge for the hurting, and listens to the cry of the vulnerable.
in case of an incident
If you experience or observe a harmful or concerning situation, please reach out and let us know your concerns by filling out the form below, or addressing the situation with a pastor, elder, Mercy Team member, or Home Fellowship Group leader. A member of the Emmanuel Safeguarding team will then contact you. To contact the Safeguarding team at any time, email