In our culture, spirituality cannot be separated from generosity.
The needs of our neighborhood, this city, and the world are continually growing. The teachings of Jesus show us the immeasurable freedom and abundant life we experience as we give to those in need and commit ourselves to a kingdom culture of generosity. The scriptures say that God loves a cheerful giver, not because the church's needs are met, nor because God needs our money, but because we thrive when we depend on Him to provide for us.
Thank you so much for your generous support of Emmanuel Presbyterian Church.
You may give by check, made out to Emmanuel Presbyterian Church.
475 Riverside Dr, Ste 1942, New York, NY 10115
You may further designate checks for Mercy Fund or Missions Fund in the memo line.
We are able to receive securities donations.
For receipting purposes, please notify us of your donation.
Brokerage: Charles Schwab
Account Name: Emmanuel Presbyterian Church of Morningside Heights
Account # 9013-4910
DTC # 0164, Code 40