General Info: Each class will meet twice per day - once in the morning as an individual class, and once in the afternoon as an entire group for activities/crafts. Each session will last between 45min-1hr.
Theme: “Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet” Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord - responding to God's promises and grace by worshipping Him and giving thanks. The focus will be teaching our children the promises God has made and calling them to respond to those promises with joy and thanksgiving.
Schedule: (all times EDT)
2-6yrs: Lesson, 9-9:45am, Mon-Thur
Middle Elementary: Lesson, 10-11am, Mon-Thur
Older Elementary: Lesson, 11-12am, Mon-Thur
All: Art and Crafts, 2-3pm, Mon-Thur
For materials and more info, contact Melba