In-Person Services
Please read through these guidelines and the COVID Safety Guidelines in their entirety.
(Updated 9/16/22)
What to Expect
vaccintation required
Union Theological Seminary is requiring everyone who enters their building to be vaccinated, with the exception of children under 12 and people with medical exemptions.
Acceptable forms of proof include:
CDC Vaccination Card (photo of card is acceptable)
NYC COVID Safe App (also stores test results)
Excelsior Pass
Those with medical exemptions will have to show proof of a negative test taken in the 7 days prior to the service. Rapid or PCR tests are acceptable.
All first time visitors 12 and up must register with us. We recommend you register before coming to save time.
Check In
Check in is a two step process. We recommend you arrive early, especially if you are a first time visitor.
Union Theological
Those on our vaccinated list may check themselves in at the front desk.
Those with Columbia IDs may bypass the check in list and enter through the turnstiles using their CUID.
First time visitors may need to fill out the UTS visitor attestation form. Adults should be prepared to show vaccination proof and photo ID.
Continue through courtyard to the foyer of James Chapel.
James Chapel
Those 12 and up who have previously shown us vaccination proof do not need to register. Proceed to the welcome table and check in as present.
Anyone 12 and up who does not have vaccination proof on record with us must show proof at the welcome table.
If you have pre-registered, give your name to one of the greeters and display vaccination proof.
Walk-ins may register at the welcome table and then display vaccination proof.
(Once we have proof of your vaccination on record, you will not need to register with us again and your name will be added to the vaccinated list at the Broadway front desk.)
Children’s Ministry
Proceed to Children’s Ministry station to check in children who will be attending 1 of our 3 classes.
In James Chapel
Masks are optional as of 7/3/22.
We will not provide a paper bulletin, but will direct you to an electronic copy.
We will not take an offering during the service. Visit our giving page for giving options.
Children’s ministry
We are currently offering 4 in-person Children’s Ministry options.
Nursery (6 - 24 months), Drop off in room AD-30 starting at 10:15am, Directions available at Welcome Table
3 Children’s Ministry classes will meet during the sermon. They will be escorted to class from the back of the Chapel and will rejoin the full service for the Lord’s Supper.
2 yrs - Kindergarten - Stewart Room (2nd floor)
1st grade - 3rd grade - room 305
4th grade - 6th grade - room 307
Registration is required for anyone 12 and up who does not have vaccination proof on record with us:
Each attendee 12 and over must register separately.
Registration will open at 5pm on Wednesday.
We encourage anyone registering to do so in advance to speed the check in process when you arrive.
Walk-ins are welcome and will be required to register upon arrival.