Key Verses
When Paul wrote Colossians, he did not explicitly identify a key theme or point, so there isn’t necessarily a central verse or sentence in the book. It can be a helpful exercise, however, to see if there are a verse or two that seem to have the seeds of what we see developed in the book. The usefulness of this as an exercise is simply to force us to try to distill the key message(s) of the book. Ava and Scott each share verses they think get at the essential meaning and purpose of the book.
Read Colossians Project:
Colossians is just under 2,000 words and takes the average reader less than 15 minutes to read. You can read the whole book in one sitting. For our Colossians reading project, we suggest that you read the book at least once a week in one sitting. Perhaps after a few weeks, for variety, read it more reflectively in smaller sections over the course of the week.